A durable product ideal for Green Star buildings or projects that require ‘carbon-neutral’ concrete.
Our vision is for Geomix to become Australia’s most influential concrete producer and champion the widespread use of green concrete solutions.
Geomix is a customisable low-carbon concrete that significantly improves environmental impact:
It doesn’t contain cement – which contributes 8% of world CO2 emissions.
It is produced from abundant mining and manufacturing waste streams.
Provides same strength as concrete.
A major component of Geomix comes from waste streams that would otherwise be landfilled.
Geomix formation is done at room temperature – adding to environmental improvement.
Why Geomix?
Up to 80% of Geomix is made from materials which would normally be landfilled.
Suitable for:
Precast applications
Pavements and footpaths.
Suitable for:
Civil infrastructure
Construction – blocks, beams, panels, ready mix.
Minimal energy required for manufacture and mixing.
Improved properties to concrete including better acid, chemical & salt resistence.
Achieves comparable strength grades to concrete.
Most other geopolymer products in the market require the use of energy-intensive processes. Geomix is non-caustic and easily mixed on site.
Delivers a 5-6-fold decrease in CO2 emissions in comparison to traditional portland cement based concrete.
Geomix Product Brochure
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Product Brochure

Get in touch
Make Geomix your first choice for Green Star, carbon-neutral concrete.
For information contact: info@canenviro.com.au